
Israel-China Relations on Upswing

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 145 total views The overtures between the two are not just confined to economic or defence relations but extends even to people-to-people or seocietal links Economic ties between China and Israel have increased considerably in recent years. In addition Israel has also been working hard to strengthen political and cultural interaction between the two nations.  In […]


G20 Interfaith Forum calls for greater alignment between Religious Leaders, Policy Makers

 126 total views

 126 total views G20 Interfaith Forum stressed on the importance of role, which could be played by religious leaders in resolving many global issues Attracting an extraordinary assembly of diverse representatives from world’s religious and interreligious networks and communities, the seventh annual G20 Interfaith Forum concluded its meetings mid-October, after five days of virtual sessions which […]


French Attack on Islam, Prophet Muhammad Not New

 138 total views

 138 total views The French attacks on Islam and its Prophet are nothing new, we only have to peep a little bit into the past, to find the roots of this hatred The recent storm over the inflammatory statements against the Holy Prophet and Islam itself, by the French President Macron has set the Muslim world […]


What impact Biden as President will have on US relationship with other countries?

 141 total views

 141 total views Joe Biden’s win will have a definite impact on America’s relationship with other countries across the globe Twenty years after the nail biting Bush-Al Gore electoral fight in 2000, the recent Trump-Biden presidential contest was perhaps the most watched and nerves wracking electoral fight till the victor was declared.  It was not the Americans […]

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Marginalia: U.S. Priorities Ties with India; 1st Nov-22

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 114 total views The Biden administration unveiled the US National Defence Strategy 2022 on 27th October. It lists plans to boost its defence ties with India to deter Chinese aggression in the region. The latest U.S. Defence Strategy states that China presents the most consequential and systemic challenge, while Russia poses acute threats to vital U.S. […]

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How America is getting involved in the Russia-Ukraine war now?

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اسرائیل- لبنان:دو پرانے رقیب بنے رفیق

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 98 total views ”اقوامِ متحدہ کے سکریٹری جنرل و اسرائیلی اور لبنانی سیاست دانوں نے اس معاہدے کو تاریخی قرار دیا ہے، کیونکہ یہ طویل مدت میں اسرائیل اور لبنان دونوں کے لیے معاشی فوائد کا باعث بن سکتا ہے۔“ عشروں کی دشمنی کے بعد، اسرائیل اور لبنان نے گزشتہ ماہ ایک تاریخی معاہدے پر دستخط […]