
Whither Indian Muslims?

 108 total views

 108 total views Many of the recent decisions and regulations of the right-wing establsihment in India can be described as detrimental to the Muslims interests The political developments during the last five years, and in particular since last May, have forced many a Muslim intellectuals, community sympathisers and well-wishers to turn into a pessimist. They are […]


COVID-19, A Planned Virus?

 106 total views

 106 total views The latest to join this series of controversies is a 26-minute slickly made documentary, featuring Judy Mikovits The Covid-19 has given birth to many controversies, over reactions of the world leaders to the pandemic and its subsequent control by their governments, to who spread or manufactured the virus, China or the US. The […]


Conspiratorial Angle of Coronavirus

 110 total views,  1 views today

 110 total views,  1 views today Though the media world wide has tried to debunk many conspiracy theories, yet it has also stoked the big question about its handling Covid-19 or Coronavirus Disease 2019, besides giving anxiety to people all over the world has also given birth to many controversies, as to its origin, spread and control, […]


India in Chaos

 108 total views

 108 total views These images were enough to make us ponder, whether we have failed entirely as a nation The continuous images on television and social media platforms of beaten out, hungry, gaunt faces of luggage carrying individuals on their heads, some of them walking bare-foot, with their earthy possessions on their heads and shoulders, with […]


India, Nepal Strained Ties

 96 total views

 96 total views The seesaw like relations between India and Nepal, have taken a nosedive for the worse, during the last fortnight The seesaw like relations between India and Nepal, have taken a nosedive for the worse, during the last fortnight. The immediate provocation is the long-standing territorial issue surrounding Kalapani, a patch of land near […]