
Afghan Accord: Watchful Joy

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 122 total views The deal on the table in Afghanistan is the culmination of peace talks that began in September 2018 The United States signed a peace deal with the Taliban, of Afghanistan on 29 February at Doha, Qatar. The accord follows a weeklong truce and 18 months of stop-and-go negotiations. It sets the terms for the withdrawal […]


International Condemnation of CAA, Delhi Carnage Continues

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 124 total views Protests against the violence have also been reported from Afghanistan, a country traditionally billed as India’s friend   The condemnation by the international community of the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 (CAA) and the violence perpetrated against Muslims protesting against it continues unabated. Iran has become the latest country to join the ranks […]


Spiritual Connect to Manage Illness and Stress

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 119 total views Usually a normal human being will find an escape route only in some sort of spiritual or religious connect Among various diseases, cancer has become a big threat to human beings globally. India’s cancer incidence is estimated at 1.15 million new patients in 2018 and is predicted to almost double as a result […]


Anatomy of riots in India

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 109 total views Jaffrelot opines that the Delhi riots though copied the earlier pattern yet deviated somewhat One wonders how a riot starts. A city or a locality which is apparently calm, with people going about their day to day lives, suddenly find themselves surrounded by rioters followed by physical abuse, shooting, arson and fire setting. […]


Economic Impact of Coronavirus

 93 total views

 93 total views The Indian central government and various state governments have handled the endemic in a very mature and efficient manner The Coronavirus endemic and its deadly effects have brought new words like quarantine, lockdown, sanitisation etc. into the lexicon of every common Indian. People who had no regard for their own cleanliness have awaken […]