
What impact Biden as President will have on US relationship with other countries?

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 132 total views Joe Biden’s win will have a definite impact on America’s relationship with other countries across the globe Twenty years after the nail biting Bush-Al Gore electoral fight in 2000, the recent Trump-Biden presidential contest was perhaps the most watched and nerves wracking electoral fight till the victor was declared.  It was not the Americans […]


Changing Perceptions and Ideals of Young Arabs

 105 total views

 105 total views Arabs worldview rejects any political expression of Islam, propagates a religious duty to obey the ruler with no exception A recent 2019-2020 Arab Opinion survey conducted by Doha-based Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies has bought out some revealing perceptions of the Arab citizens. The survey in its seventh year collated responses […]


Madaris in India – Challenges and Way Forward

 105 total views

 105 total views If the Madaris (plural for Madrasa) in India could reorient themselves, it may silence their critics besides influencing the government to support these initiatives The first institute of Islamic Madrasa Education was at the estate of Hazrat Zaid bin Arkam near a hill called Safa in Makkah, where Prophet Muhammad was the teacher […]