
2020 Set Many New Paradigms, Here are Some of Them

 131 total views

 131 total views 2020 set many new paradigms, which may be the norm in the coming years, too Perhaps the humans have awaited no other year’s end so eagerly across the world as that of 2020. Similarly, no other event in the recent history has had such a far-reaching impact as that of the coronavirus pandemic, […]


Indian Republic at 72

 153 total views,  1 views today

 153 total views,  1 views today In the first year of the new decade, we’ll mark the 75 years of our Independence and 72 years of India as a Republic, but there are many questions, which assail the common Indian 75 years after Independence and 72 years after India became a Republic, instead of feeling ecstatic and […]


What UK Needs to Stay Relevant on Global Stage?

 133 total views

 133 total views Post-Brexit strategy poses great challenges for the UK; to redefine its internal and external policies besides handling the worsening pandemic situation calls for pragmatism in a large dose Now that the UK has left the European Union (EU) and has lost the shelter of the bloc’s single market and customs union at a […]


British Indians and the UK elections

 142 total views

 142 total views British Indians (also Indian British people or Indian Britons) are citizens of the United Kingdom (UK) whose ancestral roots lie in India. According to latest figures, Indians comprise about 1.4 million people in the UK, making them the single largest visible ethnic minority population in the country. The largest group of British Indians […]


Media Ownership Monitor: Who owns the media in India?

 150 total views

 150 total views The Media Ownership Monitor (MOM) project, a global research and advocacy effort to promote transparency and media pluralism at an international level, was initiated by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in 2015. In India, it conducted the Media Ownership Monitor project together with Delhi based digital media company, DataLEADS. The key findings of the […]