
Changing Equations Globally

 109 total views

 109 total views Joe Biden’s win will have a definite impact on America’s relationship with other countries across the globe. Twenty years after the nail biting Bush-Al Gore electoral fight in 2000, the recent Trump-Biden presidential contest was perhaps the most watched and nerves wracking electoral fight till the victor was declared. It was not only […]


Changing perceptions and ideals of the young Arabs

 108 total views

 108 total views A recent survey of Arabs has brought out some revealing changes and ideas endorsed by the young Arab population. A recent 2019-2020 Arab Opinion survey conducted by Doha-based Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies has bought out some revealing perceptions of the Arab citizens. The survey in its seventh year collated responses […]


France and Islam

 135 total views

 135 total views The French attacks on Islam and its Prophet are nothing new, we only have to peep a little bit into the past, to find the roots of this hatred. The recent storm over the inflammatory statements against the Holy prophet and Islam itself, by the French President Macron has set the Muslim world […]


G20 Interfaith Forum advocates political space for faith leaders

 132 total views

 132 total views The Forum stressed on the importance of role, which could be played by religious leaders in resolving many global issues. Attracting an extraordinary assembly of diverse representatives from world’s religious and interreligious networks and communities, the seventh annual G20 Interfaith Forum concluded its meetings mid-October, after five days of virtual sessions which addressed […]


Time to be united

 144 total views

 144 total views One lies awake feeling a sense of impotent rage, wondering to what state the country has come to One has lost the count of sleepless nights spent since 15 Dec when the ‘police action’ against Jamia students started a whole chain of protests and reprisals across the country. Jamia was followed by AMU […]


Malaysia’s threat to the OIC

 108 total views

 108 total views It is true that world’s 1.75 billion Muslims can’t see Dr Mahathir as their leader, due to historical linkages The fifth edition of an annual gathering of Muslim leaders from across the world was hosted by Malaysia from Dec 19 to 21 last year. The conference was attended by leaders from 20 Muslim […]


Soleimani’s Killing: War Clouds Gather

 137 total views

 137 total views For Iran, the killing represents more than just the loss of a battlefield commander The targeted killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, could draw forceful Iranian retaliation against American interests in the region and spiral into a far larger conflict between the U.S. and Iran. The killing of […]